就在收到體驗加拿大的第一階段通知後, 約過了二個星期, 每天都在無止盡的等待體檢通知的到來, 終於在二月7日, 在電子信箱裡收到了標題為

Medical Request 的郵件了.



Do not reply to this message



RE: File Number W.........

Dear Applicant:

A medical examination is required to establish that you and your family members, if any, whether accompanying you or not, are able to meet Canadian health requirements. This is a routine part of the processing of your application and does not imply in any way that your application has been approved.

The following individuals must complete a medical examination:


You must go to one of the CIC-approved clinics. To find your nearest CIC-approved clinic, please see the list of clinics at: http://www.cic.gc.ca/dmp-md/medical.aspx. A Canadian physician will review the results. Results are received at our office between 3 - 5 weeks after the date of your visit to the clinic. We cannot expedite these procedures.

You may be required to undergo additional medical tests at our request. Costs for any additional tests or examinations are also your responsibility.

Medical clearance is valid for one year after the examination. Medical reports and X-rays become the property of the Canadian medical authorities and will NOT be returned.


You must go to the clinic within 15 days after you receive this letter. 

Before you go, print a copy of this email message and bring the printed copy of this e-mail message with you to the medical examination. Failure to do so may lead to the refusal of your application.

For each person taking the medical examination, please present to the examining doctor:

· An original passport

· 4 passport-sized photos

When attending the examination, you and each person to be examined must:

a) if you wear glasses, take them with you,

b) if you have had tuberculosis, bring along all of your previous X-rays and reports,

c) tell the doctor about past illness, operations or any treatments you are receiving.

Failure to reveal a past medical condition will cause considerable delay in processing your case.

Upon completion of the examination the clinic will provide you with a copy of your medical form (IMM1017) with your photo affixed, showing that you have taken the medical examination. 



We will not accept any medical results that have not been done at one of the CIC-approved clinics.

We will not respond to messages sent in reply to this email. Inquiries must be sent to our case-specific inquiry mailbox by following the prompts at this address:

https://dmp-portal.cic.gc.ca/cicemail/intro-eng.aspx?mission=hong kong


PLEASE NOTE: Medical examinations are part of the application process. They do not guarantee the issuance of a visa. All costs for the medical examination and for mailing the results are your responsibility and are to be paid by you. We will contact you to advise you of the next steps in your application.


Visa Section


一方面心理的石頭放下一半, 一方面也在網路上看看大家體檢的經驗, 重點是必須在收到信後15天內到指定的醫院去做體檢, 因為我在台北, 所以目前指定體檢的醫院只有兩間, 一間是中山醫院, 另一間是台安醫院, 兩家收費的價格也不一樣, 當然挑便宜的囉!
















不過就我在網路上收尋到資訊, 如台北中山醫院除了上述的資料外, 還要多準備英文的住家地址, 還有大頭照要帶5張, 另外還要多帶一個護照影本, 在中山醫院體檢的費用是新台幣3400元, 再加上快遞費用200元, 所以一共是3600元, 請先電話預約, 因為最近體檢的人太多, 需要事先預約排隊.








等我去體檢過後, 我再分享給大家.


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